
What are Goji berries?

Traditional Chinese medicine attributes to the goji berries, as well as to the bark, roots and leaves of the same plant, numerous curative and preventive properties [3]. Already in the ancient manual of herbal medicine Shennong Ben Cao Jing the plant is cited as curative for a series of evils and also effective for strengt...

What are Goji berries?

Traditional Chinese medicine attributes to the goji berries, as well as to the bark, roots and leaves of the same plant, numerous curative and preventive properties [3]. Already in the ancient manual of herbal medicine Shennong Ben Cao Jing the plant is cited as curative for a series of evils and also effective for strengthening muscles and bones and slowing aging [4].

However, scientific studies are lacking [3]. For this reason, it is believed that the beneficial effects are not sufficiently proven, even if the presence of potentially useful substances is recognized [1].

A Chinese study in mice found that goji berries boost the body's antioxidant capacity as demonstrated by the rise of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) enzymes. The antioxidant activity was found to be comparable to that of vitamin C. [5]

A study conducted in Hong Kong in the early 2000s showed that the zeaxanthin contained in Goji berries is well absorbed by the human body; the authors suggested, in 2004, the need for further studies on dietary strategies to combat age-related macular degeneration.

Possible adverse effects are considered unlikely, except for specific cases [1]. In particular, atropine, a poisonous substance present in the fruits of various species of the same family, is present in minimal quantities [3].
You can consume fresh, freshly harvested. Today the goji berries are also present in the western market, dried or in concentrated mixed with other products such as fruit juices, yogurt, tea, snacks, bars, jams. Their taste is comparable to that of blueberry, raisin, raspberry and strawberry.


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